Unlock the Secret Power of Lymphatic Drainage Now!

Introduction Before we get started, I want to share one of my favourite quotes about the lymphatic system. The great physiologist Starling once said, “The lymphatics are accessory to the venous system, and they help to preserve the volume of circulating fluid and the constancy 

Ayurveda Massage to Unwind and Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind: 12 Specialised therapies

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, a moment of Ayurveda Massage is a precious gift we often forget to give ourselves. Imagine a serene escape nestled in the heart of Hillcrest, Adelaide, where ancient healing meets modern comfort—AyurHealth. Let’s embark on a 

Best Massage in Hillcrest: A guide to finding the best massage therapist in Adelaide

Best Massage in Hillcrest: A guide to finding the best massage therapist in Adelaide

Looking for a massage in Adelaide? Whether you’re looking to relieve pain, reduce stress, or simply relax and unwind, there’s a massage therapist in Adelaide who’s perfect for you.

Kapha Pacifying Strategies.

Kapha Pacifying Strategies in Ayurveda involves adopting a diet and lifestyle that counteracts the qualities of Kapha, which are heavy, cold, damp, and slow. The aim is to stimulate digestion, increase warmth, and promote a sense of lightness and energy. Here’s a diet and lifestyle 

Balancing Your Mind and Body: 12 Pitta Pacifying Strategies

Pitta pacifying strategies in Ayurveda involves adopting a diet and lifestyle that counteracts the qualities of Pitta, which are hot, sharp, oily, and intense. The goal is to cool, calm, and soothe the excess Pitta energy in the body and mind. Here’s a diet and 

Vata Pacifying Strategies.

Individuals with a Vata constitution or those experiencing a Vata imbalance in Ayurveda are often characterized as having qualities like dryness, coldness, lightness, and irregularity. To balance Vata and promote well-being, it’s essential to focus on a diet and lifestyle that counteracts these qualities with 

10 Symptoms of Pitta Imbalance

In Ayurveda, Pitta is one of the three primary doshas, and when it becomes imbalanced, it can lead to a variety of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Recognizing the signs of Pitta imbalance is essential for addressing it effectively. Here are common signs and symptoms 

10 Symptoms of Kapha Imbalance

In Ayurveda, Kapha is one of the three primary doshas, and when it becomes imbalanced, it can lead to various physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Recognizing the signs of Kapha imbalance is crucial for addressing it effectively. Here are common symptoms and indications of Kapha 

9 Symptoms of Vata Imbalance

In Ayurveda, Vata is one of the three primary doshas, and when it becomes imbalanced, it can lead to a variety of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Recognizing the signs of Vata imbalance is essential for addressing it effectively. Here are common signs and symptoms 

13 Lifestyle practices to keep you fit!

13 Lifestyle practices to keep you fit!

Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine from India, places a strong emphasis on a holistic and balanced approach to life that promotes physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. A healthy lifestyle according to Ayurveda is guided by the principles of balance and harmony within the body